Lam Nguyen



Blog Mal

  • Tech stacks:

  • nextjs
  • chakra-ui
  • emotion
  • framer-motion

Type of project:


This is blog for me can sharing some projects I do and some blogs I write.

Long time working with react, so I chose the NextJs for next technology will need to achieve. Because I see how a framework support better for scratch building.

Why chakraui? When I build this project I need chose between chakraui and antdesign. I come with chakra because with a ui library it has the easy for new learner and give you a power to full control and settings. Different with antd, where you hardly start from 0.

Lastly, emotion and framer motion. The first time when I read 2 doc, I see how powerfull of css for react. Where animation now can logic with math, and easy to understand. I give it a try in my project.

All code I have long time to start. But it will opensource for any others want to see.

blog mal homepage

Home page, the picture I take from the home page of blog project

Made by Lam Nguyen. Contact with me @lamnguyen.