Lam Nguyen



First thing fist

The idea I got from the Nicholas Canete, ecommerce-microservices

Many thanks for Nicholas, but this the source not complete It take some hard time for me to understand and put the hand on improve it.

I has heard many people tell about microservices, so try it for new view.


  • more time for develop, maintain, test for make sure done, docker and many way to make connection and transfer data
  • easy for containerize, scale

The project re create the microservice with gateway for Proxy, auth, order and product container

Source code:

ci source:

The technology

  • Nodejs
  • Docker
  • test(mocha, chai)
  • CI (github actions)
  • express
  • queue(pub/sub) -> rabbitmq
  • mongodb

The main features

  • api gateway will forward request to containers
  • auth -> store user information and authenticate request
  • order -> store order information, publish order status to product
  • product -> store product clientInformation, receive order and forward to order container through rabbitmq
  • rabbitmq -> handle pub/sub message from order and product
  • docker for containerlize instance
  • github actions -> verify code and test


  • container structure:

    • config -> export constanst config and from enviroment
    • model -> describe database model
    • repository -> abstract adapter for handle interaction with model
    • services -> handle bussness logic when interact with repository to get information from db
    • controller -> handle request, response status and forward to services logic relative
    • middleware -> middleware for intercept request or authorization
    • router -> describe the routing for instance
    • app.js -> container App class, specific construct to start, stop, and connect with other third party library
    • utils -> abstract handle connection with other library
    • .env -> enviroment
    • index.js -> where file start to run with npm start
  • this project give ideas, not fully implement so many bug can occur during time when I get and interact with origin source

  • github actions may need config enviroment secrets, please check readme file fore more instructions


Demo-Ci _pic: Demo ci _ Demo-Ci-Settings-enviroment _pic: Demo ci settings _

Demo-Postmand-Docker _pic: Demo complete with docker and postman _

Made by Lam Nguyen. Contact with me @lamnguyen.